Call for Proposals
Funding Area of Interest
The Board of Medicine is seeking applications for research projects that aim to gather insights into the ability of minimally invasive digital wearable therapeutics to improve health outcomes in vulnerable populations where few or no treatments are available and/or medications are known to cause harm. Such vulnerable populations of focus include pediatric mental health conditions, dementia, palliative care, depression, postpartum depression, long covid, post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain disorders, cognitive dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, and other chronic treatment-refractory conditions.
Applications may be submitted by domestic and foreign nonprofit and for-profit organizations, public and private institutions, such as colleges, universities, hospitals, laboratories, units of state and local government, companies, and eligible agencies of the federal government.
PIs and Co-PIs must each be permitted to receive grant support by the organization they are applying with. These criteria may be defined differently in different types of organizations. Examples of eligible positions are: Tenure track faculty; Non-tenure track faculty or staff scientists who lead a lab or are engaged in academic activities and are permitted to apply for grants by their institution; Researchers with expertise in the relevant areas that are affiliated with or supported by an institution and permitted to apply for grants; and Postdoctoral fellows and graduate students who are permitted to apply for grants by their institution and apply through the institution at which they will conduct the research. For graduate students or postdoctoral scholars who wish to participate in a grant but are not eligible to apply for grants through their institution, applications must be submitted through one of the eligible parties listed above. Co-PIs from companies are permitted as long as no funds are requested to support them or their work.
There may be more than one application submitted by each organization
Each application should designate one Principal Investigator (PI) as the Coordinating Principal Investigator (Coordinating PI). The Coordinating PI will act as the administrative contact between The Board of Medicine and all PIs on the grant (Co-PIs)
All personnel must be named in the grant in the budget section along with their percent effort. This includes graduate students, postdocs, and staff scientists. Although recruiting new members to the lab is allowable, it is strongly encouraged that key personnel are in place at the outset of the grant to allow for consistent community building and project progression
Up to $100,000 (inclusive of 10% indirect costs)
The proposed project may span a maximum of one year
The Board follows National Institutes of Health guidelines for salary caps.
The Board will support up to two key personnel to attend one conference in the last (or only) year of the project, with an allowable cost of $1,500 per person.
Indirect costs for all institutions are capped at 10%, see the indirect cost document policy
Primary institution CANNOT charge additional indirect on subcontract funds
The proposal serves as a contract in that agreed upon milestones must be met to utilize funds.
Key Dates
Stage 1 Proposal, Letter of Intent Due Date: 09/01/2022
Invitation Notification Date: 09/20/2022
If Invited to Continue, Stage 2 Full Proposal Due Date: 10/15/2022
Funding Notification Date: 02/15/2023
Funding Start Date Range: 03/01/2023 – 02/28/2024
When funded, required deliverables include:
Quarterly progress report
At least one peer reviewed manuscript submitted
At least one conference abstract presentation
No-cost extension on a case-by-case status (when approved by The Board)
The letter should be no more than 2 pages (reference page and biosketch not included in this page limit). The page layout should use 0.5” margins. Acceptable fonts include Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype or Georgia typeface, a black font color, and a font size of 11 points or larger. Documents not in this format will be returned to the applicant without review.
LOI content should be formatted as follows:
Title of the study
Name and credentials of the investigators
Eligibility status of the PI
Aims of the study
Significance and/or innovation
Brief overview of the study design (should include methodological elements such as sample characteristics, relevant comparisons, data sources, sample size estimates, data analysis plan if applicable)
Relevance of the study to the funding priorities of this announcement
A biosketch (no more than 3 pages) of the investigators listed on the LOI should accompany the LOI. NIH biosketch format is recommended.
The LOI and biosketches should be submitted together in a single PDF file to The Board of Medicine grants office at grants@theboardofmedicine.org, no later than September 1, 2022. Include “LOI Sep 22” in the subject line of the email. Applications not submitted in a single pdf file will not be reviewed.
1. Cover page that includes the following (1 page):
Title of the study
Name, credentials, and contact information of the PI or co-PIs
Eligibility status of the PI or co-PIs
Name, credentials of key personnel
Abstract (Limit to 300 words)
Name, contact information, and signature of institution’s authorized person (grants management office, department chair, etc.)
2. Research Plan (Up to 5 pages)
The research plan should be no more than 5 pages in length (reference page not included in this page limit) using 0.5” margins, and acceptable fonts which include Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype or Georgia typeface, a black font color, and a font size of 11 points or larger. The research plan should use the following format:
> Specific Aims
> Background and Significance
> Methods
> Timeline
> Plans for future funding
> References
Budget (1 page)
Budget Justification (1 page)
NIH Biosketch of all personnel (3-page limit for each Biosketch)
Letter of Support from each partnering organization
Letter of Approval from applicant institution / organization
Proof of tax-exempt status for applicant and partnering institutions / organizations
The full application should be submitted together in a single PDF file to The Board of Medicine grants office at grants@theboardofmedicine.org no later than October 15, 2022. Include “Proposal Oct 22” in the subject line of the email. Please note that applications not submitted in a single pdf file will not be reviewed.
For additional information please contact The Board of Medicine grants office: grants@theboardofmedicine.org